The Top 6 Reasons to attend HPE’s Discover in Las Vegas 2020

Important Update: This event is no longer in Las Vegas and will be a virtual event due to COVID19 social distancing.

Las Vegas cityscape

Create New Relationships that will open New Avenues In the Technology World.

Are you ready to link up with the best brains around the world from HPE? You want to learn, mingle and explore the new talents these people possess? Then why wouldn’t you attend such a function? This function will adequately provide a platform to anyone who likes HPE products and services. Create new relationships and bonds that will go deeper into your daily operations in your businesses, homes or schools. Interacting with the best engineers, software developers, marketers and other people who form part of HPE’s product development team over a cup of your favorite drink. Do you know what is awesome about this? The drinks of your choice will be absolutely free so you will be sipping from two cups at the same time.  This opportunity if well spent will earn you contacts that will really come in handy in your work places. The specialists whom you interact with will give you adequate information as to your problems whenever you encounter them, and if need be, pay you a visit and make you feel a worthy customer.

Venture into the Future; dare to dream

This is for those who are ready for changes that will make life even better and simpler. The futuristic-minded individuals. We are in the era of transformation and only the fast will excel. Are you one of them, a dreamer? Then you cannot miss this coming event. Upon signing a non-disclosure agreement, they will let you in to Hewlett Packard’s envisioned models of computer systems.  Ever heard of “The Machine“?  The best of what the company is planning to release into the market in the coming years. This will give you a drive of what to anticipate.

Be Informed

Information is power. This adage is very true. This avenue is a link to anyone be it an entity or a person to exploit. Is there any need for you to be left out? Be part of the winning team and attend HPE’s Discover in Las Vegas 2019 for you to gain knowledge from the experts. There are always challenges on how to best use the available solutions offered by HPE. Some users are not well acquainted with systems and facilities that are at their disposal. So, this event provides that chance for you. Jump on to it and ensure that you get the best counsel from the developers on how they had envisioned the available systems and facilities to be used. Do not be left out, ignorance is the killer of opportunities! Take this chance, let us unite let us all ensure we are at this event in full swing.

The developers will communicate to you in the simplest language to help you understand where your challenges are from and how best these very challenges can be addressed.  I look forward to seeing you there as we experience “what’s next”.

Remember you are in Las Vegas!

This is the most interesting part. After enduring a long serious day, learning new things, exploiting new and efficient models & systems in this event, you do not have to forget that you are in the heart of entertainment in America, in Las Vegas Nevada. Enjoy yourselves after a long day. Take it all off. Party like you have never had, dance to the slightest beats, enjoy some of the best meals, if you are a casino enthusiast you can hit the ground rolling and place a bet. Lucky you if you win big! Those same spoils you can spend them at the stores the very next day. Or maybe you can purchase yourself a new Synergy frame for your office?  This will surely be the best moments in your life. Enjoying and exploring. This will add a whole new twist as the process will be from learning to entertainment, a whole new level of experience you do not have to miss.

You cannot miss out on this place; the Transformation zone

Hewlett Packard Enterprise! Wow! I have really anticipated this event. This is 2019, much bigger and better. The fact that this is occurring in the US confirms that it is going to be the grandest! Cheer me on if we will not be left out especially in visiting the Transformation Zone. Can you imagine just how the most innovative products from HPE are going to be on display and you can be in a position to demo them on the spot.

What an amazing feeling! I cannot wait to have a view of prototype  products, and talk to the developers who are standing next to them. Get the 411 straight from the  architects, developers, and  ‘super-engineers’ who engineered such great technology. I would not miss out on the transformation zone for anything in the world!

Training and Certification

Do you want to hear more about stuff that’s free? How about training and certifications?  Receive skills and competencies from their experienced and confident staff. Some courses that will be given range from networking, server storage and a couple of other interesting and marketable courses. Why should you be left out? Be part of this elite team and add some credentials to what you already have; those that will open up opportunities for you, and make you relevant in this ever changing technological world.

Don’t miss out on these amazing hands-on trainings:

  • Synergy and composable infrastructure training [Session ID TRNG12556]
  • One View [Session ID TRNG12555]
  • SimpliVity training. [Session ID B12700]

Please do not miss out on such an information-filled trainings. To those using different means of transport to this venue, grab your books and dig deep into them to learn quickly. This will put you on the right track, especially for those aiming at earning a certificate from this event. Are you so interested in passing those exams being offered at the HPE for free? Get a certificate and be recognized by others for achieving this feat in such a fixed time-period? You can take the exams multiple times during the event in case you don’t pass.

Be my guest as we all head to this major event in Las Vegas where we might be certified in Synergy, OneView or even as far as a Master ASE? You cannot miss it. Let us all meet in Las Vegas!

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